Student Leadership at St. Luke's...
At St. Luke's we believe that we enter leadership at birth.
We believe that we are all born with gifts and talents that are needed in community and can be shared at different times to benefit all members of our community. Different gifts are needed at different times. We don't need all gifts, all the time.
Our children continue to develop leadership skills throughout the seven years of primary schooling and over the primary school journey our children have many opportunities to lead and to follow.
Our Year 6 children take on many active leadership roles for our community in their last year of primary school.
In support of shared leadership and sharing of responsibilities the children may serve in the following Leadership Teams during the year:
Social Justice Team:
The Social Justice Team are busy each week, co-ordinating our school assemblies, creating meaningful reflections about the Gospel each week and writing scripts about the Making Jesus Real and Social Skills focus to share with the school community.
Grounds & Maintenance Team:
The Grounds and Maintenance Team have been responsible for the school rubbish bins (emptying the bins in the Admin. and teacher areas each day), taking the bins out each week, organising the Can Collection initiated last year and promoting our new ‘ Survive Without A Bin’ program, aimed at helping each class to become more aware of their use of the classroom bin and trying to lessen the amount of rubbish placed in the school bins each day.
Community Building Team:
The Community Building Team are responsible for organising school events such as ‘ Go Green for Relief Day’ and ‘Schools Clean Up Australia Day.’ They created posters for our ‘ Hello Night’ which were displayed around the school. Their aim is to help create a happy and positive culture within our school.
Media Team: