Welcome to our Year 3/4 Learning Community...
The 3/4 Learning Community comprises of four learning groups. Our engaging teachers consist of Mrs Thompson, Mrs Pigdon, Miss Wooden, and Ms Butler. Our spaces are places where we encourage individuality, creativity and independence.
In 3/4 we cater for individual learning styles using a range of teaching techniques. We recognise that each student reaches learning milestones at different stages and we strive to differentiate to allow for consistent growth for all. We foster positive relationships between families and school creating open lines of communication between parents and teachers.
We strive to create an environment where children feel safe, supported and encouraged through building positive relationships with all students. We encourage equality for all through our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program. We recognise individual needs of students and aim to meet these with the assistance of our amazing learning support staff.
We continually live and incorporate the Gospel values through our ‘Making Jesus Real’ program. In year three/four students can participate in the parish sacramental program for confirmation, reconciliation and eucharist. We support this at school through Source of Life Religious Education units.
The three/four year level is a stepping stone towards becoming the leaders of the school. We aim to develop strong leadership skills in all of our students by creating a program where children can enhance and grow their leadership capabilities.